Live Training OldPain2Go

Course Contents

Lesson 1

So what do you learn?

OldPain2Go® is a whole different, fresh, new outlook on how to work with a client and help them change their thought processes. It speeds up the process, simplifies it, reduces client resistance and gets results by working with them, not on them.

Featuring: BrainBargainingTM, AutoREMTM, AutoSomaticsTM, and The Blake MethodologyTM unique ways of helping Clients help themselves, that can also be used for anything you already help clients with:

1. Non-medical intervention, helping the client access their own self-healing
2. How to quickly overcome any client/therapist barrier.
3. The Fastest EVER way directly into any client’s unconscious (less than 2 seconds).
4. How to work with the unconscious – without requiring any trance.
5. The concept of BrainBargainingTM, how to win over the unconscious with logic.
6. Why the safety system should have a reset button.
7. How to get the client to do all the work!
8. How to act as a mind negotiator and translator.
9. Dealing with the stories that trap them in pain.
10. Asking the unconscious what it thinks.
11. How Pain can go in an instant.
12. How Pain, Tension and Inflammation, can be asked to drain away.
13. Teaching the clients how they free themselves from any pain and fatigue related illness.
14. A method to help the client release trapped nerves.
15. Installing a pacing/boredom system.
16. Helping a client who has lifelong Back Pain issues, using AutoSomaticsTM
17. Helping a client who has Allergies.
18. Mapping the Methodology across to help the client who has illnesses.
19. Mapping the Methodology across to help the client who has emotional pain.
