About OldPain2Go® & the current Science of Pain

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"All pain is real and all pain is a calculation in the brain to assess what level of pain is needed to protect you. Pain works by annoying you until you take appropriate action towards safety. When there is no action you can take, then the pain is no longer a message protecting you. To have the brain cease sending out old pain messages it simply requires a new understanding of the current situation and a reassessment of whether continuing that old pain message is helpful or harmful and what level of pain (if any) is best for survival and a good quality of life. There is no need for a long "cure" that will be hard work for the client. A "cure" isn't needed, just a reassessment of safety. Your brain will always do what is best for you based on all it knows, sometimes it just needs convincing that pain isn't the best option."

Steven Blake 2022

Hi, I'm  Steven Blake

Frequently, individuals inquire about the scientific basis of my work so please let me explain. Since 2011, I have aided individuals in effectively removing or mitigating pain, as corroborated by their personal evaluation of pain levels prior to and following a Pain Review Session, which usually takes under an hour for physical pain issues. Until 2016, it was challenging for me to ascertain the scientific rationale behind my practical application of my logical deductions. However, at present (2023), there is an abundance of scientific research explaining all aspects of my work. Nonetheless, no cohesive science based strategy has been formulated, and scientists seem no closer to providing a conclusion regarding how to consistently achieve the sort of outcomes that I have repeatedly accomplished the last 12 years, and have now trained 1,734 other people in my process. None of the researchers have yet seemed to recognize that they have already provided answers to all aspects of the solution they seek. If only they were to adopt a fresh perspective and analyse their own work from a position of openness to a new understanding. It is evident from the videos of the leading pain researchers (included below) that they are searching for a long and gradual "cure," which necessitates a significant amount of client education and effort. Generally speaking the preconceptions with which you start will determine where you end up..... Meanwhile, people continue to suffer, I would say - needlessly. 

My methodology chiefly entails educating clients about chronic pain and its true nature: an outdated, overly protective message. The second part, which the researchers seem to overlook, is that instead of merely concealing pain or tricking the brain into lowering the pain message, why not work with the client to assist them in recognizing, both consciously and at the level of the unconscious, that the pain message is unnecessary? It is then, I would suggest from experience, simple to persuade the brain to cease producing that outdated, unnecessary, nagging pain, which can frequently result in an immediate, pain-free outcome

Chronic pain not only serves no purpose, but may also conceal new, acute, protective pain messages in the same area. Consequently, my conclusion is that old/chronic/nagging pain is not a reasonable protective mechanism; instead, it functions against the survival system by impeding the early recognition of "new", acute pain and the consequent diagnosis. 

It is frustrating for me to witness such a straightforward solution that I put forward for examination, which has aided thousands of individuals, being ignored or overlooked. Science frequently lags behind practice due to the need for empirical results and the time and funding constraints involved in identifying methods to exclude all external variables from the testing process. This is impossible when dealing with thoughts and automated brain processes that safeguard the body. Fortunately, I am not limited by these constraints, and my "let's see" attitude leaves me open to new possibilities and learning the extent to which the body can heal itself when the opposing thought processes no longer interfere (Nocebo effect). I can concentrate on learning from each client, independently earning a living only by consistently and successfully achieving results and teaching what I learn. 

I maintain that I can repeatedly replicate positive outcomes, which is sufficient proof for me and several thousand individuals I have assisted to date. However, I will not stop there; my objective is to help as many individuals as possible alleviate chronic pain, and I am willing to collaborate with any researchers to aid them in developing their own successful solutions.    With Love, Steven

Here is a link to the first feasibility study into OldPain2Go® published in Pain and Rehabilitation - The Journal of The Physiotherapy Pain Association; Volume 53 Issue 1 2023.           Also available: In House Study and Analysis of 216 signed Client Feedback Forms

The Science Videos

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Several of the world's best known pain scientists explain the latest in their knowledge and research.

Professor Lorimer Moseley

Pain, the brain and your amazing protectometer

Lissa Rankin, M.D.
Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?

Professor Allan I. Basbaum

The Science of Pain

Elliot Krane M.D.
The mystery of chronic pain

Dr. Rachel Solotaroff
Pain Management: Chronic Pain 101

Dr. Howard Schubiner
Explaining chronic pain

Associate Professor Dr. David Butler Treating Pain Using the Brain

Dr. Tasha Stanton, Prof Lorimer Moseley, Dr. David Butler
Pain Scientists Answering Common Questions About Pain

Daniel J. Clauw M.D.
Chronic Pain - Is it All in Their Head?

Dr James Davies, PhD
Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed

Dr. David Hanscom Spinal Surgeon
Mental & Physical Pain have the Same Physiology

Pain Quotes by Dr. Lorimer Moseley – collated by Nils Oudhuis

•“Pain is an unpleasant conscious experience that emerges from the brain when the sum of all the available information suggests that you need to protect a particular part of your body”
•“Pain is the output. Nociception is one of the inputs. All of the inputs are evaluated when we’re talking about pain, I think, according to this question: How dangerous is this? Based on everything I know, which is all of the information available to me right now, how dangerous is this really?”
•“The amount of pain you experience does not necessarily relate to the amount of tissue damage you have sustained”
•“There’s no such thing as a pain stimulus. Nothing has the property of pain. It’s an emergent property of the human.
•“The relationship between pain and the state of the tissues becomes weaker as pain persists”
•“Thinking that we have a slipped disc has the potential to increase back pain. But what if this piece of knowledge we have stored is inaccurate, just like our notion of a slipped disc? A disc is so firmly attached to its vertebrae that it can never, ever slip. Despite this, we have the language, and the pictures to go with it, and both strongly suggest it can. When the brain is using this inaccurate information to evaluate how much danger one’s back is in, we can predict with confidence that, if all other things were equal, thinking you have a slipped disc and picturing one of those horrible clinical models of a slipped disc will increase your back pain.”
•“The evidence that tissue pathology does not explain chronic pain is overwhelming (e.g., in back pain, neck pain and knee osteoarthritis). Yet we continue to avoid the truth that tissue damage, nociception and pain are distinct. I would go so far as to suggest that even the use of these erroneous terms – pain receptors, pain fibers and pain pathways – leaves the patient with chronic pain feeling illegitimate and betrayed, and leaves the rehabilitation team lacking credibility when they look beyond the tissues for a way to change pain.”
•There are probably clinicians who hang on to the idea of pain equalling tissue damage. I suspect they either don’t see complex or chronic pain patients, or, when they do, they presume that those patients are somehow faulty or psychologically fragile, or, tragically, are lying.”
•“Inflammation is a primitive form of defence that is essential to the tissue repair process. Think of the swelling, redness and pain after injury as part of your own internal repair system and be grateful for it”
•“Anything that changes your brain’s evaluation of danger will change pain”

•“Change the way we think about chronic pain – Pain in the brain, immune system, endocrine system, feels the same as tissue pain”
•“The longer you have pain, the better your spinal cord gets at producing danger messages to brain, even if there is no danger in the tissue”
•“For many people in persistent pain, this is a critical issue to understand and well worth repeating. In this sensitised state, the brain is being fed information that no longer reflects the true health and abilities of the tissues at the end of the neurones. Put another way, the brain is being told that there is more danger at the tissues than there actually is. The gain of the system is increased. Brain responses such as movements, thoughts, autonomic and endocrine responses are now based on faulty information about the health of the tissues at the end of the neurone”
•“Stress can contribute to nerve sensitivity or pain system sensitivity. Stress lives in the brain, and therefore the experience of people with chronic pain often is that their pain increases as they become more stressed”
•Modulators broadly fit into one of three categories: prioritization, meaning and transmission/processing. Prioritization depends on the survival value of a nociceptive stimulus. Observational data abound; for example, the extensive work with military and civilian injuries – the soldier feels little pain until he is safe behind lines.
•“When you massage skin, you are moving tissues and also sending useful impulses to the brain. So, movement and touch are useful ways to refresh your ‘virtual’ and actual body”
•“What is pain? Is it simply a symptom of tissue damage or is it something more complex? One way to approach this second question is to determine whether it’s possible to have one without the other – tissue damage without pain or pain without tissue damage. And you can answer that one yourself – ever noticed a bruise that you have absolutely no recollection of getting?
•“Pain is usually triggered by messages that are sent from the tissues of the body when those tissues are presented with something potentially dangerous."
•The exact amount or type of pain depends on many things. One way to understand this is to consider that once a danger message arrives at the brain, it has to answer a very important question: “How dangerous is this really?” In order to respond, the brain draws on every piece of credible information previous exposure, cultural influences, knowledge, other sensory cues, the list is endless”