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August 19

The Blake Methodology

By Steven

August 19, 2017

The Concept

This is a concept of dealing with a client in a way that uses their conscious mind to alter their unconscious automated programs that are troubling them. No trance state is required. My ideas are simplistic and appear to be just big picture statements but come from a background of over 11 years of helping thousands of individual clients overcome a lifetime of anxiety, typically in one session. It is the simplicity that makes it work so effectively across such a wide range of issues. The practical application of the Blake Methodology comes from all those experiences and analysis of what worked! I became aware that I no longer do techniques – I simply talk with a client.
The mind is very complex and we all individually are made up of our experiences, and perception of those experiences that lead to us learning either the right or wrong lesson. This then affects our perception of future experiences and the way they work out – which affects our perception which…… well I’m sure you get the idea!
The unconscious controls most of our actions and the only purpose of having a conscious mind is to decide how to direct the unconscious to run the most appropriate program for our needs. We call this freewill. For the purpose of this description, I refer to conscious and unconscious only as processes either in our awareness or unawareness.

The Conscious Aspect of the Mind

I once read that most of us have on average 70,000 negative thoughts a day. This is a source of conflict with the unconscious, which tries to supply whatever we think about, by selecting the most appropriate automated programs. The much debated issue is whether the unconscious can understand negatives. My take on it is that the unconscious doesn’t just act on the words it also takes into account the attached emotions, feelings and other thoughts raised. So, for example, “I’m not going outside today in the rain” has a feeling attached of feeling glad to stay in, whereas “I really hope I don’t have a panic attack today” is attached to the feeling of panicking, visualising it happening, getting the feeling of it happening and producing the chemicals in the body as though it has happened. We are therefore confusing the unconscious quite a lot and even more so when we use sarcasm and say “A panic attack, oh thanks, just what I needed.” So, the unconscious thinks you are thanking it for the panic attack and will know just what you want next time!

The Unconscious Aspect of the Mind

Basically the unconscious runs programs. You either, were born with them, installed them through repetition, others imposed them on you, or the unconscious made one for you in an emergency situation (resulting in a phobia, anxiety, depression etc.). The job of the unconscious is to carry out the most appropriate program for your circumstances, under the direction of the will of your conscious. It can over-ride that conscious directive whenever it is more appropriate to do so for your well being. When the unconscious makes a protective program for you, such as anxiety, it will desperately hold on to that program, because it thinks it has kept you alive all this time as a result of running it. So removal of it is not an option – unless you convince it otherwise (bargain with it). The unconscious is often portrayed as being stubborn but it doesn’t have that quality, just a calculation of what is best for you. Once it has designed a program it doesn’t have the thought process to design a better one. It doesn’t understand that if you do what you have always done you will always get the same result. So when the conscious doesn’t understand what the unconscious is asking of the person the unconscious just states the same thing over but with ever increasing volume. Just as some of us Brit’s do with someone who doesn’t understand English!


I created a way of demonstrating this Methodology using the practical application of pain removal for the “Old Pain Messages”. I call it OldPain2Go® and it works on the basis that our emotional pain and our physical pain share the same neural pathways – what applies to one applies to the other. Quite simply, Pain is a message to cause you to take the appropriate action. It has to be of a sufficient level to overcome your tendency for inaction. I will treat this level as Volume for the illustration of the purpose. So a small injury such as a rose thorn pricking your finger will cause your finger to move away from the source of the problem, whereas a broken arm will have sufficient volume and urgency to ensure you get the appropriate treatment as soon as possible and then lowers the volume dramatically when you have done all you can, and the arm is in plaster. All this is based on calculations in your unconscious that dictate the most appropriate pain level – for you! I work with people to interact with their unconscious to point out when pain is no longer a message that is necessary, and to delete it (by talking directly to the unconscious, but without trance).


So, back to emotional issues. The unconscious will run a safety program such as Anxiety, which it usually installed when they were in danger as a child. It will continue to run this for the rest of their life and it doesn’t update itself to say the threat no longer exists. In fact with each time they feel an increased Anxiety they will add more triggers to the list. In the same way that chronic pain increases the volume gradually, so does the emotional reaction heighten over a period of time. With my Anxiety work I always sought out the cause and used the symptoms only as an indicator to the initial traumatic incident. When the unconscious allowed the client and I to find the cause then we could deal with it as the adult this person now is and the majority of symptoms disappeared. In about 1 in 4 cases the unconscious would not show either of us what caused it and I had to bargain with the unconscious to throw the program away as it was obviously of no use, but was virtually stinking their head out. I only gave the unconscious two choices; of showing and dealing with it or of throwing it away, and each time, whichever it did, led to a the same result – just what the client came for. From this the concept of BrainBargaining was born. Working on the understanding that the unconscious can only harm you to save you from greater harm, I decided to use this as a method of bringing the unconscious into line with the demands of conscious will to recover. A program can be deleted, written over with a better one, or updated to include new beliefs. With hypnosis we “park” the conscious somewhere out of the way so that it will not interfere, whereas with the Blake Methodology we want the input from the conscious. The stronger the conscious-will the easier to get the unconscious to do what is asked of it rather than running the old out of date program that is blighting the clients’ life. We need the client to want the outcome and be clear about it. It is their strength of desire mixed with the intent of the therapist that makes this work so quickly and effectively. For this to happen we need the client to use the conscious intent throughout the process.

Negotiator and Interpreter 

The therapists role is to act only as negotiator and interpreter between conscious and unconscious. Sort of like a marriage guidance counsellor between a couple who love each other but neither believe the other one loves them because “He doesn’t SAY he loves me” and “She doesn’t SHOW me she loves me.” Typically the conscious is telling the unconscious what it doesn’t want and then gets cross because it gives them what it thought they wanted. Then the unconscious thinks the conscious isn’t listening because the person doesn’t do what it hoped they would – however loud they shout. We have to get them talking better to each other! When we do the client can, not only resolve what they came for, but also lead a far happier and balanced life. When the conscious tells the unconscious what it wants, positively and clearly, and when the unconscious gives clearer messages to the person so that they can understand and behave more in line with what is in their best interests – then harmony follows.


The client may, at times go into trance, it makes no difference whether they do or do not. If they did enter trance it is at a time when we no longer need the input of the conscious. Most of the work is done purely through talking with clients in the build up to a confirmation from the clients unconscious that it is willing to do what is asked of it, and then that it has done it. This can be checked by any ideomotor signal. My preference is a leaning “yes”, purely because there isn’t a trance and that all we need is a convincer for the client to understand this is their unconscious doing the work. The unconscious is treated with the greatest of respect and talked to directly with such ease that repetition is not required, just clarity of what is asked for. Toward the climax of the session the client can be taken into the right state to do further work just by asking them to close their eyes. At all times we treat it as though the client is working on themselves, we ask them to ask their unconscious various questions we pose. Because the client doesn’t have the concern about the therapist “entering their head” the defensive barrier is not there. The only barrier to overcome is that their defensive program will not want to be removed until it is persuaded by BrainBargaining that it is causing more harm than keeping them safe. At which point it has no option but to stop harming them.


The Blake Methodology is taught whilst learning OldPain2Go®. It is planned to also teach it alongside new developments such as OldFat2Go® and OldStuff2LetGo® plus many other modalities. Since November 2016 it has gone from just Steven Blake using this Methodology into 8 trainers and 1,734 Practitioners trained worldwide. Trainees have included doctors, psychologists, lay people, hypnotherapists, physiotherapists and Bowen therapists. The beauty of this methodology is that it is available and accessed readily by people who would not consider being hypnotised. The trainees who have other skills and modalities have mapped it across to almost any situation the client throws at them. Results are lasting and clients for OldPain2Go® are usually totally pain free in just one session. Training takes just one day.

©2014-23 – Steven Blake mba – Blake Methodology – all rights reserved.

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About the author

Steven is the creator of OldPain2Go® based on #BrainBargaining and The Blake Methodology. He has also created OldFat2Go® and OldStuff2LetGo, AutoREM, AutoSomatics and a Therapeutic technique called the Canvas.

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