It is logical to accept that the body is in a constant state of alert looking for the need for pain. When it finds a need, it will calculate exactly what the best level of pain is to take the right action. This pain level will be constantly reassessed to take account of any changes that have been made to alleviate or add to the problem. By asking the unconscious to remove the pain, it is this Pain Review System that will be doing the recalculation. If we ask it to make changes but do not give it a reason to do so then the pain will remain the same as it was just before we asked. No Change = No Change. Before asking for a review we have to #BrainBargain all the reasons to get rid of the pain. It is these changes being taken into consideration that provides the logic that it is safer to remove the pain than keep it. In some cases, it will be safer to keep some of the pain than let it fully go. This is for the unconscious to decide and we need to trust it to provide the best possible outcome for the client in their current circumstances.