Our food intake reflects our lifestyle and a hectic life often results in more processed food than is good for us. Food is processed to give it a longer shelf life. To do that the some of the natural live elements are taken out and replaced by synthetic replicas. Whilst these elements may fool the taste buds or even taste better than the original (more powerful flavour, sweeter etc.) it does not fool our body which will respond to any toxicity in it.

Our body and the unconscious mind that runs it are very protective of us, and this protection is increased if we "think" the threat to be higher than it is in reality. This can be noticed in the way that people react when they drink or eat something they believe they are allergic to even when it didn't contain any of the allergen. When the body identifies a toxin and the level of threat (including our thoughts on it) it has to do something to lessen the damage and keep us safe. Toxins running around our blood stream are an immediate danger, so a good "holding" strategy is to surround toxins with a fat cell, keeping it safely there until it can be released safely. A good method of release is to only release a small amount at a time and to flush it out of the system.

There is an old saying in the diet industry about water consumption, "the more you drink, the more you shrink." and within acceptable and safe limits this is something I regularly observed in my clients. Most clients who normally drank the recommended amount of water and regularly lost weight would have the weight loss radically slow down if they cut down on water consumption.

My conclusion was that water was very necessary to flush away the content of the old fat cells, and that the body would not allow fat cells that contained toxins to be released unless there was sufficient flushing to carry the toxin away safely. I am not alone in this conclusion and it really doesn't matter if it is correct or not, there is definitely a correlation between a lack of intake of water and the holding on of fat.

I have not found it possible to get a "safe" amount of water quantified by any experts, so fall back onto the training I had with a major seller of replacement meals, "We recommend that you drink at least 2.25 litres or four pints of water every day. Drinking lots helps to maintain your blood volume and prevents dehydration. Little and often is the way to go - try to keep drinking throughout the day." This is what I recommended to hundreds of clients and could tell from their weekly results whether they drank enough or not.

You may of course have other drinks, but alcohol dehydrates rather than helps, and drinks with caffeine in them are diuretics which means they will make you urinate more, possibly taking away from the water you are using helpfully - so I would suggest you do not count them as fluid intake that can be deducted from the water you need. 

Another aspect of water is that because most of us do not drink anything like 4 pints a day our body therefore stores water for emergencies. It's like having our own personal water rucksack. As soon as we do regularly drink sensible amounts of water, this emergency ration is let go of. This is why in the first week of any diet we seem to get outstanding results, but in reality it could be up to 5 lbs of water that we no longer need to carry, not necessarily that fat that has gone. If we cut down on carbohydrates this too will show up on the scales, because carbohydrates hold on to water by about 5 times their weight. So eating 1 lb of carbohydrates could show as 6 lbs on the scales. Therefore cutting back on carbohydrates will show as weight loss but disproportionately to its own weight.

Scales only measure weight, not fat. Please put the scales away. At most weigh and measure yourself once a week. If you measure daily there will be fluctuations and whilst sometimes this will encourage you, that could swing the other way in just 24 hours and discourage you. OldFat2Go® is about moving towards the goal that you want and maintaining it - do not put yourself under pressure for immediate results it will signal the wrong messages in your brain and that will work against you. Stay focused on what you want and that you are getting there and will be staying there!