Tell clients that this message removal can be permanent, that they should not do anything to overload the damaged area and that muscles may need a gradual rebuild.  Remind them the old message has been removed and that new issues can arise, and will often feel different, they must seek medical advice for new pains. Do not get involved in Medication issues, simply state they need to see their Doctor for changes or removal of medication.

  • Forward pace to a comfortable life, have them feel it as real!
  • Advise them to seek Medical advice about medication reduction or coming off it.
  • Unless you are medically trained and insured, do NOT discuss their medication with them.
  • Activity: Advise them not to overdo things for 2 weeks whilst their body adjusts.
  • Thoughts: Advise them about how the mind seeks to provide what they think about and it doesn’t understand negatives.
  • Others: Advise them to be careful of others who may undermine their recovery. Keep out of “help” groups, don’t tell anyone you are “cured”. Even their Doctor may make them doubt it will stay. Others will be as sceptical that this has worked as they were before the session!

Offer to be available in the future for a phone chat should they wish to ask anything – Keep it positive, do not say “if anything goes wrong!”. Give them a good handful of explanatory brochures and cards, to hand to their friends and relatives. The brochure explains how OldPain2Go® works and saves them having to try and explain!