• We DO NOT set up a NO signal, nor a Maybe.
  • Any signal the opposite of a yes signal is treated as a “Not YET a yes” signal.
  • Carry out further work/clarification to see if unconscious can reach a yes.
  • Have the client use their strength of will to demand a forward yes.
  • If you still get a NO instead of the 2nd Yes, go to the Dial Method (explained later).
  • ONLY if there still is an Emotional issue that needs dealing with use AutoREM, or any other appropriate Emotional reduction/removal technique (the Dial Method can also be used for emotional pain reduction/removal), and then re-attempt the YES.

Leaning forward allows us several possibilities of re-gaining our balance, we can step forward or simply stick our bottom out. However, if the client leans backwards the only way of stopping themselves from falling is for them to step back, and if the back of their legs is close to a chair they will fall into the chair. If a client persists in going backwards, place them with their back close to a wall (about 75mm away - not touching it). This will still allow them to sway and get their balance but if they do go backwards it will not harm them. Try this yourself gradually building up the distance, take care – too far away and you will bang your head!