This is the video we recorded from the Thursday ASK Steven please click on the caption button at the foot of the video if you wish to also read what is said.

The Future Vision of OldPain2Go®

Enhanced Support for Existing Practitioners - New Training Structure - New Website

We are committed to developing an All-Inclusive, CPD-Accredited, 2-Tier Double Certification Training that is both flexible to suit multiple time zones across the globe and consistent throughout its application and ongoing support.

Our aim is to expand our reach, positively impact the lives of people worldwide, and ensure our practitioners achieve success through continued support.

Our Mission:

To liberate as many people as possible from the grip of chronic pain!

Our Goal:

To achieve our mission we need to

Our Strategy:

To achieve our mission we need to

Train More People

Nurture Success Through Support

Increase Our Exposure

As OldPain2Go® grows, so does the demand for your services!

Exciting Times Ahead

What's Improving and being added?

Our Training Is Now CPD Accredited

This offers recognition as a high-quality educational program that contributes to Continuing Professional Development, broadening our reach within the medical sector.

Enhancing OldPain2Go® Training with Kaizen Principles

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning 'Change for the better’, and with our recent CPD Accreditation, we have embraced this philosophy in all areas. Our aim is to ensure that OldPain2Go® continues to evolve, constantly evaluating its effectiveness and accessibility so practitioners can deliver even more profound results.

By incorporating consistent high-quality control, along with regular feedback loops, we can evaluate and adapt effectively whilst always providing the best learning experience possible. Our new structure is designed to be scalable, allowing OldPain2Go® to achieve its mission of liberating as many people as possible from the grip of chronic pain.

We Listened to You

Your feedback inspired us to adjust our training structure to avoid overwhelming our students. The Foundational Level provides the essential knowledge and skills required to effectively address physical pain, while the Advanced Level delves deeper into more complex pain-related issues, but only when you are ready. You already have the Foundation Level, and the Advanced Level is additional tuition for those who want a more in-depth training in adapting the process for more complex cases.
Both Tiers are certified and can be taken at the students pace. This flexible approach gives time to learn, absorb, and move to Tier 2 at their own pace.

Case Studies

We have included an assessment stage to our training programme.
The student submits 2 brief client case studies, to highlight any areas where we can offer support, and validating their understanding before being certified. Please note that case studies are not measured on the outcomes, simply the learning experience (and repeated in Tier 2).

We are Excited to Introduce the New OldPain2Go® Logo!

One of the ways we have visually displayed these positive developments is through updating our logo. The newly added gold ribbon represents the gold standard and symbolizes our commitment to excellence and Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

The new logo not only reflects our shared values but also reinforces our collective effort. Later on, I will explain how we will supply you all with a new logo design specifically for practitioners.

New and Updated Certificates

A fresh and new design showcasing our gold standard and professionalism. With each Tier you complete, you'll receive a new certificate, along with a CPD Certificate, demonstrating your commitment to staying informed and trained to a high standard.

New User Friendly Hub

We have centralised all the core information within a user-friendly Hub, making it easier and quicker to access.

The Hub is designed with a clear layout for each Tier, over 300 support videos and pre-recorded live training.

As an Existing Practitioner, you will have FREE access to this Hub from the main website menu.

Practice Rooms

We have just purchased the technology for utilising open access to online practice rooms. We expect to use them as a place where practitioners can meet up and discuss their client issues and practice on each other. It may include themed events - watch for the announcements!

As an Existing Practitioner, you will have FREE access to the Practice Rooms.

Spotlight on Success Stories

We've observed that the more success stories our practitioners share, the higher the demand for their service. We're passionate about showcasing these success stories to help boost the visibility of our practitioners on a global scale. To do this we have updated the Client Feedback Form. This is an incredibly useful tool to use at the end of your client session to measure the impact you are having, while also encouraging your client to share their story.

Training Across 4 Time Zones!

We now offer pre-planned flexible training sessions to suit four time zones:

PT (Los Angeles), EST (New York), GMT (London) & AEST (Sydney). Ensuring a convenient 9 AM start time for daytime events in each zone (18:30 for 3 hour events).

Steven gets up early or stays up late so you don't have to.

New Website Launched!

We've overhauled our entire website to provide a simplified explanation that is consistent throughout in its terminology. The updated site focuses on social proof, education, science, statistics, and studies. Additionally, we've upgraded our training page to encourage healthcare professionals from the wellness, therapy, and medical fields to join us. We want everyone to be unified in telling the same simple story.


FREE - Online Practitioners Map

To help expand the professional profile of our practitioners globally, we've added our online practitioners map as a feature on the main page. This service is offered for FREE, allowing clients to easily find and connect with you as a Certified OldPain2Go® Practitioner worldwide.

Getting the Word Out There

Our next phase includes a strong focus on marketing. We will be supplying our practitioners with helpful social media and website assets, along with investing in targeted ads to spread the word. This increased exposure will drive people to the website, where they can discover more and find you as their local practitioner.

Referral Program

We’ve created a mutually beneficial referral program that benefits new students and existing practitioners, while helping us reach an audience that might have been beyond our reach. You will be able to recommend that others train and give them a referral coupon code, to which you will also benefit financially from.

How does it improve things for you?

To gain access to all these FREE benefits, simply click on the orange button and complete a short form.

Your OldPain2Go® Hub: The new Hub not only retains all your current and aftercare support materials, but also enhances your user experience by consolidating all essential information in one central location that is accessed with only one password. Inside the Hub, you'll discover our library of pre-recorded live training and support videos conveniently organised into bite-size chunks. Each video now includes a summary and key points, ensuring a superior learning experience.

Online Practitioners Map: It's advantageous to showcase your photo and contact details on the practitioners' map, especially now that it's FREE and featured prominently on the main page of the website. This simple step has the potential to enhance your profile globally and attract clients actively seeking local and online practitioners.

Practice Rooms: Soon, you'll have complimentary access to these rooms for collaborating with fellow practitioners and honing your newly acquired or revisiting skills.

Spotlight on Success Stories: Enhance the impact of sharing success stories not only to showcase the extraordinary results made possible by OldPain2Go®, but also highlight the integral role you play in achieving these outcomes. Our upcoming marketing strategies are tailored to give positive exposure to these stories, thereby influencing the clients' decisions to seek a treatment and choose their practitioner.

New Website, Logo & Marketing Assets: We encourage you to utilise the content of our updated website to its fullest extent. Soon, additional marketing assets will be available on the Hub, designed specifically to aid you in connecting with and engaging clients effectively.

Referral Income Stream: By sharing your personal referral coupon code with those interested in becoming an OldPain2Go® Practitioner, you not only earn additional income but also expand our Practitioner Network, thereby increasing the awareness of OldPain2Go® as a viable option. With roughly 40% of the UK adult population and an estimated one and a half billion people worldwide enduring chronic pain, the demand for OldPain2Go® Practitioners will continue to grow.

Exclusive Practitioners Facebook Group: Access to a collaborative space to connect with fellow practitioners, ask questions, share achievements, and offer mutual support. If you are not already part of our exclusive Practitioners Facebook Group, simply click this link:

Monthly ‘Ask Steven’: Remember to take advantage of the monthly ‘Ask Steven’ live sessions, providing you with the opportunity to interact directly with Steven, gain valuable insights and receive answers to your questions. We encourage you to participate in the live session, but if you're unable to do so, rest assured that all sessions are recorded and made available in the support section of your Hub and OldPain2Go® Official Practitioners' Facebook Group.
You can now submit your question ahead of time, a form will be provided. Ask Steven sessions are announced within our OldPain2Go® Official Practitioners' Facebook Group.

Access NEW Opportunities Refresh & Advance:

Refresh & Advance: We have a commitment to nurturing success through support and understand many of you will want to have the in-depth learning from the new Tier 2 Advanced Training. So we have designed a course specifically for those already trained to take the Tier 2 Advanced with a Refresh on Tier 1.

Steven has organized four special events for the Refresh training: a three-hour evening session (choose from one of the four available dates and time zones) designed to update your existing knowledge and introduce you to the latest insights and techniques, including a simplified method for understanding and explaining chronic pain. The next two clients you assist will become brief case studies for submission, allowing us to provide any necessary support and help to build your confidence. Afterward, you'll gain access to the new Tier 2 Training, which includes four hours of pre-recorded online learning at your own pace, plus a live online evening event dedicated to practicing and honing your new skills. Complete two more brief case studies to earn your Advanced Certificate.

This limited time, all inclusive, Refresh & Advance offer is priced at £140.

(Please note Tiers: 1 and 2 costs £599 for new trainees)

Please note that it is unlikely that this offer will be repeated.

We deeply value your support and trust that you share in our vision and enthusiasm for the remarkable transformations achieved by our small but dedicated team over the past four months.

Your patience is immensely appreciated as we address any potential concerns or technical issues that may arise along the way.

Warmest regards, Steven, Trudy and Peter

The OldPain2Go® Support Team
