Pre Training Learning Materials and Downloads


Stage 1 Pre-Learning Materials

In Advance of Your Training Day

Here are your Pre-Learning Materials especially designed for you to get the most out of your training day. Some to watch, some to read, and some to download. These materials will remain accessible to you for reaching any time in the future should you wish to. And the beauty of this system is that if we update anything it will be the latest material you access.

1, Please watch this quick Introductory video, only a few minutes long. I explain Oldpain2Go® in very simple terms. It has took a long time to get to that stage!

2, Pre-Training, please watch this full video of someone who called me and unexpectedly not only spoke to me, I also offered her a free treatment there and then. Its a somewhat light hearted treatment as I felt she really didn't want to be free of the pain, so was able to be playful with nothing to lose. You can see how I deal with someone who despite throwing every excuse possible of why the pain cannot go, ended up free of pain, as she ran out of reasons to keep it. Click the CC for subtitles.

3, Pre-Training, Please visit our website page on Fibromyalgia, M.E. and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to understand why I always send the relevant potential clients there first (burnout issues), before booking them in. If they recognise the description of themselves they are already on the road to recovery. Link to the page is: We will cover fibro in Tier 1, enough so that you may help someone, and then go into it in greater depth on Tier 2, as it can move into more complex emotional cases.

4, Pre-Training, please see below all the resources to prepare you for the training day, to view, download print and read. We have two variations of the manual, the second is only for printers that print both sides of the paper (margins are different), otherwise use the single sided version. I would suggest paying particular notice of the script and that you read it several times and become familiar with it. Whilst the script is in the manual at page 22 to 23 there is a separate sheet for printing that I would suggest you laminate back to back for ease of use in practice (we supply those at the live events along with bound manuals). Eventually you will know it so well and understand why it is carefully worded and will be able to do this naturally without having to read anything. 

The manual is under constant review hence a few supplementary pages, and when it is redesigned and updated you will instantly have access to the newer materials.

I look forward to meeting you at the live event you have booked whether online or at a venue in person. I will make the day full of fun and learning with the emphasis on your experience and being able to understand why, as well as how. I will be guided through the training with a PowerPoint presentation and the outline of that will be available afterwards to save you writing down what is on the slides. At the end of the training I will explain the next stages and this Hub will be the place to find everything you need. Your new materials will be added when you have competed the previous stage. 

If you need anything or are unsure please contact us to clarify, at or if more urgent 07593 687 506 during typical UK office hours.


Instruction for the Pre-Learning Material

Front Cover for Your Manual

OldPain2Go® Training Manual Single sided (32 sheets) Sept 2024

Separate Ethical Agreement (Instructions for use of Branding)

Uncluttered Script for Laminating

Questions to ask the client (Supplementary addition for manual)

Setting up the Yeses (Supplementary addition for Manual)

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