EmotionalPain2Go Pre-Recorded Online
Coming Soon – Only available to Practitioners and Therapists who ALSO currently have skills and qualifications in helping clients with emotional pain relief (Hypnotherapy, NLP, Counselling, Psychology etc.).ย ย
EmotionalPain2Go Training for Practitioners (part 2 of 2)
Introduction - Will this be beneficial to you?
I am sharing my learning and adaptation of what made me effective in helping clients with anxiety or other issues that are related to the removal, or resetting of emotional pain programs. I will not be teaching the basic skills I learned such as Hypnotherapy and NLP. If you already have the basic skills in helping this type of clients, you should find the training very beneficial. If you donโt already deal with these clients or have the basic skills in place, I would suggest you learn this later when it would be more beneficial to do so.
Any Disadvantage of Getting Better?
Crying is a release.Body may React.ย
What If my Heart stopped? Unconscious: let me show you!
You instead of I, Try, and indicative figures of speech.Must Remember Instead of shouldn't forget.Repetitive Negatives keep us stuck and we believe them.Ellies Funeral - Don't break Down!Current or Past tense Language
Unconscious does what it thinks is best and is influenced by conscious.Thanking/appreciating the UnconsciousBrain is complex but works in a similar way in everyone.ย
Perception is everything.We all have a different map of the world. Don't get others to move their map to suit yours.
Anxiety filters every thought.ย
Manifest what we ask for - Good Or Badpretend oil squirted into knee.ย
wired, match seeking, parents, etc.We train others how to treat us, then don't like it.
Forgive and love the younger you and reassure them.
We Only Live in The MomentRehearsing Things Going WrongName one thing you worried about that happened.
Easy to forget the people we dump but not the ones who dump us.
Rejecting People so they cannot hurt us.Rejecting compliments not realising we cause hurt.example of foster kid burning house down.People aren't Doer up opportunities.ย ย
The unknown is not scary, it is the imagination of the worst case scenario that is. As long as the future decision will be made by us that is all we can do.ย
What Number would you like to walk away with?ย
Oxygen Mask on the Plane.Please yourself not desperate for external love.ย
Voices in head are normal.
Mimic The Posture, get clues how they feel.
We hear what we think they will say. Example Sarah n Doctor.ย ย
Not your Job to please others.
Big Picture. Living Life On Auto.ย
It Only Hurts If We Check If It Is True.A Boy Named Betty.
Sticky Marbles.Hiding in a Black Sack.A chemical Imbalance made by negative thoughts.
How we cut short the good with poor expectations but expect the bad to last.Not Black and white , most things have grey.Thoughts make Chemicals.ย
Caius.Superstition: Pigeon Flapping wing to be fed
Aikido, the attacker is ugly. Car Skid, look where you want to go.
Who's in charge of your feelings now?Instead of trying to controlling others to fit in with you, how about controlling you?
Become the problem person to see how they think.
Practical Processes (Techniques and Methods)
Kill The Client (pretend).Swearing.Forcing client to reveal deepest fear - Die a terrible Fucking agonising death - Goodย ย ย That you said it.ย Agreeing with them, or pointing out how they would feel if we repeated what they are saying to themselves.ย
Accepting what you can or cannot change
If leaning heavily we would fall over so need to stop pulling and make it slack before release.ย
Concluding, Testing and Forward Pacing
Dealing with the issues as they happen not previewing every possibly bad case scenario.
Thank Unconscious, praise it for how it will help them in the future.Summarise that we have found the cause and dealt with it.
Suggestions For Further Help That May Be Beneficial.
Hit side of ear, numb down one side.
Gang Raped at 13 has thoughts about it every day
Spend your life thinking about the shitty start or realise you then won the jackpot - your choice.
Husband cheated 30 years ago. then 20 years ago. Used it to make him miserable not realising it also made her miserable.
About the teacher
Steven is the creator of OldPain2Goยฎ based on #BrainBargaining and The Blake Methodology. He has also created OldFat2Goยฎ and OldStuff2LetGo, AutoREM, AutoSomatics and a Therapeutic technique called the Canvas.